Fire Damage – Fires damage everything in their path, regardless of what it is and how much it cost to purchase. Your skilled Paul Davis team can completely assess the full extent of your fire damage, repair your home, and clean your personal possessions. We can also extract standing water and provide mold removal for all affected areas. It doesn't matter how bad the fire damage is; our goal is to help your property get back to its former condition. Smoke Damage – While the damage caused by the flames might be more well known, it's not the only kind of damage associated with fires. Smoke can find its way into many areas in the home and inflict varying degrees of smoke damage. Paul Davis smoke damage cleanup specialists can pinpoint all areas where smoke is present, remove odors, and sanitize the air. If smoke damage occurs in your home, the most important choice you can make is calling the team at your local Paul Davis.. What You'll Get at Paul Davis We're committed to helping you restore your home from the fire and smoke damage you've experienced to the way it was before. No matter what the scenario is, you can count on our technicians to deliver prompt and personalized service. To learn more about local fire damage service Weatherford TX, please contact us now!local fire damage service Weatherford TX