Each passing day seems to draw another cadre of dietary guidelines guaranteeing to help you to shed pounds and be healthier. With so many diet regimens to pick from it can be hard to know which option is most effective for you or even if these diets are effective at all. There is one principle everyone agrees on: fruits and vegetables are healthy for everyone. A regimen heavy with fruits and vegetables will help you lead a more satisfying, longer life. It will also keep your alkaline levels at an appropriate level. This will, in turn, have your kidneys working capably. But there is more to good health than eating good foods. Nowadays there are many supplements that can tip your body to peak level. Too bad there are even more supplement varieties than diets. The whole thing can be confusing.To this end it's good to do some online research to locate a reliable health consultant that sells medical medium consultation based on what works and not profit.medical medium consultation