Health foods have always been something I've avoided. To me, they were an eatable anathema equal to watching an R-rated movie on censored TV; all the good parts excised. But as I get older I've experienced the effects of terrible, unhealthy foods like fast foods and packaged snacks. When I was younger I could inhale a a whole medium pizzawith no worry of a hangover. In the past few years, I just inflate with regret and the need for a nap. Last winter I began researching methods to improve my health. Most health regimens compelled me to avoid all the foods I love. I was I wanted to be healthy but not so committed that I was willing to stop eating all animal products and/or pay exorbitant prices for specialty foods. That's when I stumbled upon an online health food store. It had a bigger cross section of products than the on-site health stores I'd been visiting and for a much cheaper cost. medical medium consultation have everything from healthy snacks, herbal pills and natural weight loss products. After a couple months of eating a diet heavy in alkaline foods and consuming vitamin supplements I feel much much more energetic and have even lost a couple kilograms. medical medium consultation